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Publications & Presentations

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RITCHIE, L. (2021). Yes I Can: Learn to use the power of self-efficacy. Effic Research Limited: London.
RITCHIE, L. (2017). California Dreaming. Effic Research Limited: London.

Ritchie, L. (2015). Fostering self-efficacy in higher education students. Palgrave Macmillan: London.

Peer reviewed publications:

  • Ritchie, L. (2023). Multisensory Music Performance with Cymatic Images. Music & Science, 6.
  • Ritchie, L., & Sharpe, B. T. (2022). Validation and Validity: Self-Efficacy, Metacognition, and Knowledge-and-Appraisal Personality Architecture (KAPA). Psychology, 13(10), 1474-1503.
  • RITCHIE, L., & Sharpe, B. T. (2021). Music Student’s Approach to the Forced Use of Remote Performance Assessments. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1367.
  • RITCHIE, L., Cervone, D., & Sharpe, B. T. (2021). Goals and Self-Efficacy Beliefs During the Initial COVID-19 Lockdown: A Mixed Methods Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
  • RITCHIE, L. (2020). Images of learning through music: The sounds of cognition, International Journal of Management and Applied Research, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 257-266.
  • Elias, T., RITCHIE, L., Gevalt, G., & Bowles, K. (2020). A Pedagogy of ‘Small’: Principles and Values in Small, Open, Online Communities. In: Conrad, D. & Prinsloo, P. (Eds.).  Open(ing) Education. (pp. 365-389) Brill Sense: The Netherlands.
  • RITCHIE, L & Hall, B (2019). Transitions: Becoming A Professional (Musician): Space for Performance. In Bilham, T., Hamshire, C., Hartog, M., & Doolan, M. A. (Eds). Reframing Space for Learning: Excellence and Innovation in University Teaching. UCL IOE Press.: London.
  • RITCHIE, L. (2018). Opening the curriculum through open educational practices: International experienceOpen Praxis, 10(2), 201-208. DOI:
  • RITCHIE, L. (2017) California dreaming. Effic Research Limited: London.
  • RITCHIE, L. (2016). A Portfolio of skills for today’s performer. In P. Kneale and W. Miller (Eds). Issues in masters level courses. Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory: Plymouth.
  • Churchill, S., Goodwin, S, RITCHIE, L. (2016). Self-affirmation improves music performance among performers high on the impulsivity dimension of sensation seeking. Psychology of Music.
  • RITCHIE, L. (2016). Case study: A meeting with the Pro Vice-Chancellor. In: J. Corneli, C. J. Danoff, C. Pierce, P. Ricuarte, and L. Snow MacDonald, (Eds.) The Peeragogy Handbook. 3rd ed. Chicago, IL./Somerville, MA.: PubDomEd/Pierce Press, 2016. Downloaded from
  • RITCHIE, L. (Oct 2015). Fostering Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Students, Palgrave Macmillan:  London.
  • RITCHIE, L. (2015) Creating a curriculum: Embracing open learning in music. Innovative pedagogies report. Higher Education.
    Bond E., Agnew, S., RITCHIE, L., Palmer-Conn, S., Garbett, C. (2015). Creative Assessments: four effective approaches, In P. Kneale (Ed.) Perspectives on Masters Level Teaching, Learning and Student Experience. Palgrave Macmillan: London.
  • RITCHIE, L. (2013) The student professional, In T. Bilham (Ed.) For the love of learning. Macmillan: London.
  • RITCHIE, L. & Kearney, P. (2013). Transfer of practice strategies: From primary to secondary instruments, In A. Williamon & W. Goebl (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2013 (pp. 111-116), European Association of Conservatoires (AEC).
  • RITCHIE, L. & Williamon, A. (2013) Measuring musical self-regulation: Linking processes, skills, and beliefs. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 1, 106-117. DOI:10.11114/jets.v1i1.81 URL:
  • RITCHIE, L. & Williamon, A. (2012) Self-efficacy as a predictor of Musical Performance Quality. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and Arts. DOI: 10.1037/a0029619
    Williamon, A., Perkins, R., RITCHIE, L., & Thompson, S. (2012). Premiers Pas en Musique: Étude de l’engagement des enfants vis-à-vis de la musique [Musical Beginnings: A study of children’s engagement with music], in Actes du colloque «Musique et Sciences de l’esprit» [Music and the Sciences of the Mind]. Brussels: Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique [Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium].
  • RITCHIE, L. (2012) Music, research and self-efficacy in higher education In. A. Miller, J. Sharp, and J. Strong (Eds.) What is research led teaching? Multi disciplinary perspectives. (pp.39-45) GuildHE/CREST collaborative publication.
  • RITCHIE, L. (2011). Musical self-efficacy for learning and performing, PhD Thesis, Royal College of Music, London.
  • RITCHIE, L. (2011). Musical self-efficacy for learning and performing, PhD Thesis, Royal College of Music, London.
  • RITCHIE, L. & Williamon, A. (2011). Self-efficacy for musical learning in primary school children, Journal of Research in Music Education, 59, 146-161.
  • RITCHIE, L. & Williamon, A. (2011). Measuring distinct types of musical self-efficacy, Psychology of Music, 38, 328-344.
  • RITCHIE, L. & Williamon, A. (2008). Self-efficacy as a Predictor of Performance Quality, In K.S. Bordens (Ed.), Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, (pp. 125-127), Indiana University-Purdue Uni- versity, Fort Wayne.  Academy: York.
  • RITCHIE, L. & Williamon, A. (2007). Measuring self-efficacy in music, In A. Williamon & D. Coimbra (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2007 (pp. 307-312), European Association of Conservatoires (AEC).
  • RITCHIE, L. (2006). Foundation Degree in IVT, European String Teachers Association Quarterly, January, 2006.



  • “Self-efficacy is your untapped superpower, and key to agency”, TEDx UCLA, 30 May, 2020 postponed, new date TBA.
  • In life I want to… (insert your goal/ambition/dream here).” Conversations with TEDx Speakers, UCLA (online), 15 April, 2020 video available here:
  • “Open doors to the community: The music of life long learning” Online conference presentation, OER20, 2 April, 2020
  • “Teaching people to teach: Communication, inspiration, vision” and “Teaching & Learning Music: Goals, Beliefs, & Communicating Achievement” Invited lectures, Arts Academy Plovdiv, 13-14 November, 2019
  • “Learning out loud” Inaugural Professorial Lecture, Public Lecture Series, University of Chichester, 18 October, 2019
  • “Learning out loud”, Keynote, Faculty of Creative University of South Wales, 17 June, 2019
  • “Self-efficacy in higher education”, Keynote, III Seminário Internacional Teoria Social Cognitiva em Debate, Brazil, 14 August, 2019
  • “Self-efficacy for learning and performing in music: Questionnaire development”, Lecutre, III Seminário Internacional Teoria Social Cognitiva em Debate, Brazil, 15 August, 2019
  • “When connection fails: What to do with all the lemons?” presentation with student Brady Lloyd, OER Galway, Ireland, 10-11 April, 2019
  • “Self-efficacy: Learning, performance, & becoming a professional”, Invited lecture, University of Limerick, Ireland, 9 April, 2019
  • “From history to performance”, Talis Insight Europe Keynote (with Students), Birmingham REP, 1-2 May 2018
  • “The sound of an emerging network’, Workshop OER18 (with students) Bristol, April 17-18, 2018
  • “Opening the curriculum through open educational practices”, Paper presentation OEGlobal 2018, 24 April, 2018, Delft, Netherlands
  • “Your journey with video: Getting from A to B” Academic panel, Panopto Annual Conference, London 21 November 2017
  • “Creativity in the open” Keynote and Workshop Leader, Thompson Rivers University, British Columbia, Canada
  • “Value of Creative Education”, Keynote, Hereford Higher Education Symposium, 20 September 2017
  • “Provision, uptake and teaching at primary and secondary level”  The future for music education in England – maintaining standards, music hubs and career pathways, Westminster Forum of Higher Education 3 July 2017
  • “Effects of a self-regulation worksheet on the self-regulatory behavior, self-efficacy, and performance of novice adult musicians”, ISPS Reykjavik 31August-2Sept 2017
  • “Student engagement in curriculum and module development”, RAISE Conference 7 September 2017
  • Tackling the challenges for curriculum development across disciplines” Westminster Higher Education Keynote Forum: Innovation in curriculum design – internationalization, employability and inclusivity, London, 7 December 2016
  • Feedback is all around us”, Workshop presentation, SEDA Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 12 May, 2016
  • “From Skeptic to Champion” Talis Insight Europe 2016, Birmingham 21 April, 2016
  • BEST (Build Engage Solve Think) across Disciplines and Institutions” Workshop, Open Educational Resources Conference, Edinburgh, 20 April, 2016
  • Embracing Open Learning”, Higher Education Academy workshop, University of Chichester, Chichester, 20 January, 2016
  • “A portfolio for today’s performer”, (paper) PedRIO Masters Conference: Masters level teaching, Learning and Assessment conference: Issues for the 21st Century, Plymouth University, 8 January, 2016
  • The Musiquality Project“, RAISE (Researching, Advancing, and Inspiring Student Engagement) Conference, Nottingham, 11 September, 2015
  • “SoTL and the New and Improved-Different and Distinct Learning and Teaching”, EuroSoTL Conference, Cork, Ireland, 8 June, 2015
  • “#MUS654 Creating a Curriculum”, OER15 (Open Educational Resources 2015) Conference, Cardiff, 15 April, 2015
  • “Association of National Teaching Fellows Roadshow”, Pecha Kucha, 10th Symposium of the Association of National Teaching Fellows, 30 March, 2015
  • “Instrumental Disruption”, workshop at the Disruptive Media and Learning Lab Expo, University of Coventry, 12 March, 2015
  • “Phonar and the Cello”, cross-discipline workshop at University of Coventry, 3 December, 2014
  • “Student recording + video for performance”, invited speaker and academic panel member at Innovation with video: Improving teaching and learning through technology Panopto Conference 2014, Senate House, London, 21 October, 2014
  • “Association of National Teaching Fellows Roadshow”, development workshop at University of the West of England, 24 September, 2014
  • “Experiential Learning: Speaking through Sound”, development workshop at University of East Anglia, 4 September, 2014
  • “Teachers as Leaders: Fostering mastery experiences”, KEYNOTE at HEA Project workshop: When student confidence clicks: Academic Self-efficacy and Learning in Higher Education, University of East Anglia, 3 September, 2014
  • “Experiential Learning: Speaking through Sound”, 10th Annual Conference of the Higher Education Academy, 2-3 July, 2014
  • “Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching” Institute of Advanced Learning and Teaching, University of Warwick, 20 May, 2014
  • “Becoming through music” at the HEA funded workshop “Something’s Happening”, Bournemouth Arts University, 19 December, 2013
  • “NTF Roadshow” presented with Kirsten Hardie at Cardiff Metropolitan University, October, 2013
  • “Transfer of practice strategies: From primary to secondary instrument”, International Symposium on Performance Science, Vienna, Austria, 28-31 August, 2013
  • “Learning to learn”, Council for the Association of National Teaching Fellows Annual Symposium, 30 April, 2013
  • “Self-efficacy beliefs for learning and performing in music and sport”, paper presented at the 40th Annual SEMPRE Conference, London, 15 September, 2012
  • “The physical and mental well-being of the pupil”, West Sussex Music Support Service staff development day, Mid-Sussex Area Professional Centre, Horsham, 5 January, 2009
  • “Self-efficacy in Music”, Conservatoires UK Conference, Trinity College of Music, London, 7 July, 2009
  • “Self-efficacy as a predictor of performance”, Contemporary Arts Research presentation, University of Chichester, 8 October, 2008
  • “Self-efficacy in music: Belief and predictor of quality”, Music, Health and Happiness, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, 6-8 November, 2008
  • “Differentiating and measuring self-efficacy for musical learning and performing”, SysMus08, University of Graz, Austria, 14-15 November, 2008
  • “Self-efficacy: from belief to the stage”, University of Illinois, USA, 25 August, 2008
  • “Self-efficacy as a Predictor of Performance Quality”, Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, Chicago, USA, 19-22 August, 2008
  • “Measuring Self-efficacy in Music”, International Symposium in Performance Science, Porto, Portugal, 22-23 November 2007
  • “Self-regulated Learning in Music”, Second Conference in Learning and Teaching in Music, Rochester, Michigan, USA, 11-13 October, 2007