The Cello Weekend is an annual event at the University of Chichester bringing together cellists of all ages and abilities in a two-day programme of music and activity. Everyone participates in the large cello-orchestra, and there is a programme of various workshops and masterclasses across the two days. See below for the 2014 schedule.
Cello Weekend 2014 Schedule
Saturday 26 April
10:30 Large group cello orchestra
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Masterclass begins
1:45 Parallel Workshops run (Alexander Technique, Playing with Jazz, and masterclass) The masterclass will go on throughout the time of the workshops and cellists sign up to attend the different workshops at different times, so the groups are smaller. This will allow people to dip in and out of the masterclass.
Thomas Duchan is the accompanist for the masterclass on Saturday.
3:15 Break
3:30 Chamber music session (duos, trios, and quartets will be formed and there will be a selection of appropriately levelled music of various styles for people to choose from.)
4:15 Full cello orchestra
5:30 End
7:30 pm Evening concert (free for participants) ‘Cellos of Chichester’ (with a guest appearance from Laura). This will be an all-cello evening presented by the University students, containing arrangements for between 4-8 cellos. You will hear everything from Piazzolla to Lady Gaga and also Jill Jarman’s ‘Resonance‘ for solo cello.
Sunday 27 April
10:30 Full Cello Orchestra
11:30* Chamber Music
12:00 Lunch (please bring lunch today!)
1:00 Cello Orchestra
2:30 Masterclass/workshop with Rosina Mostardini (unaccompanied/without accompaniment)
3:30 Workshop: ‘Modern sounds’ with composer Patrick Harrex
4:00 Break
4:30 Final participant concert
*Individual Alexander Technique sessions and mini-lessons with Rosina will be scheduled throughout Sunday. Cellists can sign up for these sessions.
About the 2014 guests:
Rosina Mostardini studied with Frank Miller and Hans Jensen and collaborated with Hans on the ‘Fun in Thumb Position‘ technique book. She has taught at Suzuki Institutes all over the country and Canada, and studied Suzuki and Cello pedagogy at the Chicago Suzuki Institute and with Gilda Barston. She has taught widely across the Chicagoland area and has presented masterclasses at colleges in the US and Canada. Rosina has many arrangements for string quartet and cello ensemble, which have been performed all over America.
Patrick Harrex is a composer who lives near Brighton, and he approached Laura with his cello piece, ‘… a l’armonia sì intento …‘ originally written for 6 cellists. Patrick came to work with the cellists on the Sunday, and this was a rare and valuable experience to approach contemporary music along with the composer. The work received its unofficial premier at the final concert.
Graham Elliott, Alexander Technique teacher, is also an accomplished cellist, having done extensive session recording (he is on the original Star Wars soundtrack) and orchestral work as a cellist with the LSO. Graham studied Alexander Technique with Gene Simmons, who brought the whole method to this country.
The Jazz masterclass was led by Jazz pianist Rob Westwood and drummer Rich Carter and focused on ‘Summertime’ and ‘My favourite things’. Honestly, no experience was needed – all play the tune, had a go at the bass line, and even some improvising and solos!
All of our guests have much to share and teach us, and the repertoire lined up for the weekend will be stimulating and fun! It includes the 1812 Overture (I will be recruiting cannon soloists for the concert), Summer is icumin in, American Spirituals, Pizzicatto Polka, and some surprises to come… Another living composer, Jill Jarman, completed the first movement of a solo cello piece dedicated to Laura, to be premiered at the Cello Weekend. Jill attended the Sunday concert. Her piece ‘Resonance’ explores the full soundscape possible on the cello.