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single chocolate cupcake with a green candle in it. On a table and on a red mat.
I am 49 (well nearly – in a matter of hours) and I’d like to offer a short celebration and
This afternoon I was a guest speaker at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, speaking to the string
box of baking mixture, christmas tree branches in background.
It's the time of year when people think, reflect, take time - to do things, be with people, and to
This is the day. Here I sit, pre-dawn at the same kitchen table as every other day, tawny owl hooting
I'm sharing a smile today, because I have one to share and I can. The other day I made music-
You know, I wake up early. All summer I caught the sunrise and it was wonderful. There is something truly
The past week has been increasingly turbulent as the start of the academic semester approached. Lots was happening in my
Oh COVID, what times are these - yet how very lucky I am to be here in this place. This
(2 min read, 4 minute listen. Trigger warning - death mention) Sometimes I wake up in the night. Someone recently
Yesterday something extraordinary happened. I was asked to run a session for colleagues at my university on learning and teaching