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Respectfully yours… from the parents

Last week we heard from the parents in our #IVTchat and it was certainly interesting. I’m not going to soliloquise about it here. The good thing was that it made us think and we had a full discussion afterwards. I sometimes feel my head spin as I could (and did) contribute as teacher, parent, and learner. All I will say here is that life is a complicated cocktail, and with the right ingredients it can be completely magic. Just being aware that there is always more to the picture than we can see is a first step – and understanding that the impact of a teacher can be so very valuable – either to instigate and then reinforce the positive support from home, or to be a source of support where there is less to be found outside the lesson. There was so much to think about! It made us reflect on our own experience and perhaps look at the wider picture of lessons in a slightly different way.

Our Storify is below… and hope you can join us next week on Thursday 5 May at 2:30 BST for the last instalment of this year’s #IVTchat. (More on that HERE) …don’t worry though; this isn’t the end! We’ll be back in the autumn! and as always, you are invited to take part. If you listen, learn, or love music, then you are part of our community.


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