Today’s the day! I’ve invited my students from across year groups, IT people, and Library people to join us as we take part in the Connecting Classes project. It’s all about expanding the conversation and really getting to thinking… thinking wider, thinking deeper, thinking around the subject and being open to other people’s perspectives. We are studying music and the way it works is that we all listen to an interview – simultaneously, but asynchronously (on our own) and tweet about it. We are seamlessly linked through the internet via a hashtag as we tweet. Today we will be using both the project hashtag: #CClasses and a tag to identify our subject (there are multiple subjects and universities taking part in this project). We are using #IVTchat – as we are studying Instrumental / Vocal Teaching.
Today’s session is talking with music teacher, publisher, and examiner Richard Crozier about teaching – and in specific about the essence of teaching and getting away from ‘just the notes’.
The video interview is linked below and we’ll be starting today Friday 22 April at 12:15 BST (in England). It would be great to have you join the conversation- remember the tags #CClasses and #IVTchat …even if you’re a bit late, you can still watch and tweet – the hashtags will enable us to find your comments!
featured image CC BY by Alexandra E Rust