Well it’s a brand new month, the sunrises have been magic and it’s time for a garden report. We love our garden, being English and all, but we (I) don’t always have the greenest of fingers. We have huge success with fruit – raspberries, wild strawberries, an apple tree, blueberries, and one year I managed carrots, but this year we have had a real triumph!
You know when you’re little and you have one of those clever ideas that is really great but nobody listens to you because you are a child? Well I had one of those – thinking logically, if you plant a seed, you get a new plant. This year in mid-February I planted my carefully saved and dried seeds (see photo)
and they came up!
This morning was nearly frosty here, and I think, much like a good crop of sprouts or parsnips, that the lolly crop needed just the right conditions. The leaves came up about two weeks ago but today all of the fruit just came bursting forth and what a treat! It was certainly an incentive to wake up the children and get them all before the birds had them all. To be honest, I think it’s just Fab. It’s a lot of Fab – if you look at the one on the right I think we got a double! The only sad thing is that unlike many other plants, when you pick the fruit they don’t produce a second crop. You can be assured that we will be saving the seeds, drying them, and keeping them safe for next year.